Editor Linnea Dunne sat down with Sandra for the April Issue of SCAN Magazine. The magazine targets travelers by plane and at that time the world was in lockdown. It seemed timely to discuss the future of fashion and ChambresSweden philosophy.
Creating a Whole New Normal
Keeping it simple, kind, and close to home. There it is, in a nutshell. Head Designer and CEO, “Sandra Näsström, is shaking off the world’s worries and creating a whole new normal – far from the norms of throw-away fashion and the shallow values so often associated with it.”
A Commitment to Intimate Comfort
The world has never been more ready for a new concept in consumerism as it is now. For ChambresSweden it couldn't be a better time to spread a wiser vision of kindness, a close to home production community, and the euphoria of feminine energy.
Feminine Fashion
The Natalie dress was created years ago during a fashion show where a model wanted an underdress for her catwalk presentation. The model wanted to wear it on her night out afterward as a simple dress. The rest is history. The Natalie underdress, named after the model who wore it that night, is still one of ChambresSwedens’ best-sellers. Collection of Dresses
Clothes should embrace you and make you relax and feel beautiful and sensual,” says Näsström.
ChambresSweden is all about the feeling: a sense of ease and feeling elegant and sensual even at home when nobody’s watching.The natural fabrics are lush yet light, enclosing your body without restricting it.
Sustainable Collaboration
A huge majority of products are made in China from oil-derived substances and sold on busy streets with in-your-face signs and posters. Näsström explains a model where everything is made in a handful of family-owned businesses throughout the Baltics – not because it’s cheaper that way, but because it’s safer and wiser, she says. “In an increasingly anxious world, it is wiser not to veer too far from home to find sustainable collaborations.”
Lingerie that’s steps out of the bedroom.
Part of the ChambresSwedens' approach is to make everything easy care/easy wear, making all garments comfortable and glamorous regardless of the context. “People appreciate easy-to-wear, comfortable garments that work anywhere, all the time.”
What Defines Success in a Post COVID-19 World?
Perhaps values that survive when we close the door and stop the rushed, mindless living are at the heart of it. A kinder, gentler world where feminine energy and beauty are at its core.
See the entire interview here: