The story started in 2012 when Sandra Näsström designed her first layer a super-light sensual slip for the models to wear under couture gowns at a fashion show at her concept salon Chambre Separee in the heart of Stockholm.The garment's fluid, feminine expression won the guests' hearts—and the model's, who pleaded to wear it for her night out.Inspired by the idea of a perfectly adaptable dress that could be worn 24/7, she named her new slip dress Natalie after the first model.The first Chambres piece was born.Natalie's dress remains our top-seller


Sandra Näsström is the CEO and Founder at ChambresSweden. Her unapologetic dedication to creating from heart-space has carried her through different stages of life with a single mission: to embrace the feminine energy and live in its full power. Sandra has also made it a point to work with slow fashion – living in alignment with oneself, rather than sales-driven fashion fads, is her definition of luxury.


Consciousness Designed for a Fashionable Day
Our signum, the Chambres Charm, is inspired by water molecules that transform into stunning crystals when exposed to loving and compassionate intentions. It’s empowered with life-affirming qualities captured in a pure, simple form that symbolizes the eternal loop of nature and the universe. The charm holds the energetic signature of numbers 2,8 and 4: Co-creatingfreedom, timelessness and support. These add up to number 3, The number of joy.

Chambres gift card is an easy choice.
Chambres sets the standard for comfort at home. The luxurious fabric, multifunctional design, and freedom of movement allow feminine, sensual ease for a holiday anytime.
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