Sustainability focuses on meeting our present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. At ChambresSweden, we appreciate what we have, make wise choices, and find innovative solutions to global challenges. 


Our unique collections are developed in tune with nature – it's the only way that makes sense – and the only way forward. Instead of using excessive amounts of oil-derived yarns, our primary material is made from wood pulp sourced from responsibly managed European forests. This state-of-the-art yarn is called SUPERFINE® rayon, and it's exactly how it feels: refined and silken with an elegant drape and comfort-inducing stretch for total freedom of movement. 

SUPERFINE® rayon is a fully certified sustainable, 100% biodegradable, fair trade, and OEKO TEX 100 & OEKO TEX 1000 fabric. The renewable raw material wood required for this comes 100% from local, legal, and sustainable reforestation in Sweden, Finland, Estonia, and Scotland. It's FSC® certified and has committed itself to a sustainable purchasing policy to protect the forest.


Our fabric manufacturer has invested in water and package recycling, 100% reuse of processed water, renewable energy, and maximum waste reduction for decades. Their efficient high-tech systems are one of a kind. 

European-made. We choose woman-owned manufacturing with our neighbors in the Baltic and  European sourcing partners that align with a sustainability framework and encourage us not to accept limitations as an answer. Also, the exchange with close neighbors helps us prevent carbon footprints that damage our environment.

Slow fashion means to us.

Consuming quantity may seem fun at the moment, but buying fast fashion quantity instead of quality has a high price if you act on the whole.
Chambres custumer knows.

Unbeatable Quality

It's not easy to find clothes today that maintain their shape, color, and seem indestructible—in other words, truly fine quality. After discovering Chambres' wonderful concept, I can confidently say there is hope!
Many years ago, I believe it was seven, I bought this lovely slip/nightgown. I have worn it year-round and washed it at least 250 times, and it continues to be as beautiful now as it was then. That’s what I call quality!
So, even if a garment may seem expensive at first, it turns out to be economical in the long run. Moreover, Chambres’ designs are so timeless that they don't age in that way either.
I look forward to wearing my orange nightgown for many, many more years to come.

'Susanne Knapp SE'

The element of water is the driving force behind ChambresSweden.

Chambres is a deeply personal project that ties in with Sandra's life, dreams, and values. Her childhood memories spent by the Baltic Sea translate into the water-inspired logo that symbolizes the eternal loop of nature and the universe. Her holistic thinking and history of sensitive skin ensure that premium-quality, ethical materials are integral to the brand's philosophy. Her intention to elevate everyday dressing with a touch of kindness and sensual ease turns into garments that can be worn 24/7 as a second skin.

Sandra our founder has also made it a point to work with slow fashion – living in alignment with oneself, rather than sales-driven fashion fads, is her definition of luxury.


ChambresSweden is born from a sense of love and gratitude for the abundance of life around us. To support the flow of water's life-giving energy, we partner with Solvatten, an innovative project providing clean-water solutions to places in the world where they're most needed. Read more about how you can contribute to clean water for people in underdeveloped countries. 

Keeping balance with the world around us is essential.